The History Of The Group “We Stand”….


5 years is a long time for a Facebook group to be in existence. Most group fizzle out after a couple of weeks. I started a political group titled “We Stand” in 2015 and I’m happy to say we are growing and gaining momentum. Over the past 5 years we have gone through name changes and at one point we had over 20k followers. When people started leaving after the 2016 election, I thought perhaps my group was finished.

In 2015 I was still a proud Democrat. I loved my party and everything it stood for. I voted for Al Gore because I loved President Bill Clinton, and I voted for Obama twice. Not only that, but I sat on my townships Democratic Committee! I attended the fundraisers and canvassed to help fellow Democrats win elections. Our party stood for equality and supported women’s rights. Our party was anti cooperation and pro small business. We supported the police and we supported a strong border. Our party stood for the working class and welfare to work programs. So when President Obama saved the auto industry, bailed out the banks and did wonders to dig America out of what I consider a depression that lasted from 2008 to 2011, I gladly voted for him a second time. Little did I know that I was electing a man who would divide America, kill the Democratic Party, and ultimately pushed Americans into tyranny and oppression.

As I watched Obama’s second term unfold, it became harder and harder to support my party. For me the final straw happened in the summer of 2015 when President Obama supported the taking down of all Confederate monuments, while he also put gay pride lights on The White House. It was an obvious slap in the face too everyone who supports freedom of speech and expression. Confederate flags and monuments mean different things to different people, and just because one group is offended doesn’t make however they interpret something to be true. President Obama didn’t ask anyone if they would be offended by gay pride lights on The White House that doesn’t belong to him. It was tyranny at its core: “Think like we do, be offended when we are offended. Your opinion doesn’t matter, only ours does”. And it was during that summer week that I resigned my committee seat, registered Republican and started the Facebook political group “We The People”.

We The People grew fast and in our first week we had 200 members! The group was extremely popular with Confederate supporters even though we were not a Confederate page. Then the group attracted 2nd Amendment supporters and before I knew it we had over 20,000 members! That December President Obama launched his final attack on Christianity and it was unpopular to say Merry Christmas. Shopping malls got rid of Santa in favor for a “Winter Town” theme instead. The group then changed it’s name to “One Nation Under God” in response to Obama’s tyrannical policies. Not only that, but we planned to organize and congregate onto the capital. We had truckers ready to block every major highway and we had people in place that were going to storm Congress and demand they impeach President Obama!

The post count in our group was high and everyone was talking about what we were about to do. I had to keep reminding members that this was to remain peaceful. But then something disappointing happened. The truckers who all swore to attend, did not. The people who promised to meet up at our gathering station did not show either. It was myself and 4 others just standing there in the freezing cold at a park in Philadelphia.

And so because I loath those who lack the courage of their convictions, every person who promised to attend our event but didn’t, I booted out of our group and blocked! Others left when they saw their friends banished. The following November Donald Trump won the election and I committed our group in supporting him. This angered many others, and I watched them leave our group by the 1000s! By this time after the dust settled our membership was around 4000. The next major apocalyptic membership purge happened after the first white cop black suspect shooting. Suddenly I watched our group transform into nothing short of a KKK meeting! Our membership was teetering at around 500 after I banned all the bigots and racist.

The remaining members were getting use to a new Republican Party under President Trump. And so as we all grew together, I changed our name to “United We Stand”. It’s was an Inspiration from the Abraham Lincoln quote that a house divided cannot stand. For the record, I loath Lincoln but I do admire that particular expression.

Our membership grew a little. I was satisfied. I figured it was Quality over quantity. Finally I changed our name to what it is today, “We Stand”. I changed it after it became acceptable to take a knee during the national anthem.

Currently our membership stands at about 1200. We have 4 moderators and we hear all the time how pleasant and laid back our group is. We continue to grow with like minded patriots and we enjoy intelligent discussions. Sure we have to occasionally delete comments and banish people, but our group firmly stands for the first amendment, and I will never tolerate bullying or persecution of any kind. I think lots of other groups can learn from my style of governing and I think people online in general have to start respecting each other’s beliefs. I also think people have to read a groups description and ask themselves if they belong. It is wrong to join a group and expect everyone to change and cater to you. You should know what you are signing up for.

Here’s to another 5 years….

Mary L. Trump, Family Embarrassment


Before you read this blog post I’d first like to say that Mary Trump should not only be embarrassed for writing such filth, but she should absolutely lose all credentials as a doctor. She uses her PH.D to cast a negative spin on The President and to meet her hateful bias agenda. I bought the book (happily returned) because I was curious at some of the behind the scenes conversations and yes, Trump family gossip. With the title “How My Family Created The Worlds Most Dangerous Man”, I wasn’t expecting any love written about The President but I wasn’t expecting it to read like it came from a CNN teleprompter either. But that’s all it is page after page, lie after lie. So many lies as if people can’t Google the truth and look up old articles. Mary Trump shouldn’t ever be allowed to call herself a doctor. This fictional book she wrote is a direct violation of the Hippocratic oath.

Let me begin…..

After a brief prologue about her immense over inflated ego and her total disregard for safety protocols set forth by The Secret Service, she begins with chapter one telling about what a wonderful guy her dad was, and what a monster The President and her Grandfather are. And that’s really all the book is. Read chapter one you’ve read the whole book. It’s just page after page of her hateful opinions and twisted view of reality.

As the book reads on you are exposed to numerous lies and ridiculous stories. Mary Trump constantly contradicts herself also and it’s blatantly obvious she has an ax to grind. She makes it clear she is insanely jealous that her father was Freddy Trump and not Donald Trump. Mary Trump also makes it clear she has a juvenile issue with authority while suffering from a major case of an over inflated sense importance. Like many Democrats, Mary Trump can not grasp that others in her family were more successful then her or her father because they worked for it instead of expecting a hand out. She is angry her Grandfather didn’t leave her anything in his will. She feels entitled and she feels wronged, even though none of her cousins got a dime either. She feels angry her father was a drunk, parents divorced, and he couldn’t hold a job or steady housing,and so ultimately both Grandparents wrote him out of their will. Even though her uncle and her Grandfather both tried many times to help her dad reset his life, her dad continued to fail and she has a deep resentment for that.

Mary Trump is a bleeding liberal. She considers border security racist. She literally calls The President a racist for building a wall. Apparently she doesn’t educate herself past the confines of CNN, because if she did she would know her uncle is fighting drug smuggling, human traffickers and MS 13 gangsters from coming into The United States. She also blames her Uncle for not shutting down the country faster and she actually accuses him of holding back ventilators and aid for New York. She believes The President did this as political pay back for some mean things Governor Cumo said. Apparently Mary Trump never saw Nancy Pelosi in Chinatown calling her uncle a racist for banning travel to China at the beginning of the virus. She didn’t see the 50,000 ventilators Cumo was hiding in storage or the big military hospital ship The President sent to dock in the Manhattan port either. But that’s liberal logic for you and it never makes sense.

In her book she blames The President for all the civil unrest. She writes that she believes her uncle wishes his knee was the one on George Floyd’s neck. That is grotesque and unspeakably inaccurate. President Obama is the “Divider In Chief”, not President Trump. Mary Trump is misinformed thanks to the liberal media that she admits she never turns off. It was Obama who called cops “stupid”. It was Obama who never showed up to a cops funeral but praised the criminal who murdered the officer. It was Obama who lost the endorsement of the FOP. It was Obama who constantly vilified police officers when ever there was an instance of a white officer shooting a black suspect. President Trump is the most pro police President in history and Mary Trump can’t wrap her mind around it because she suffers from cognitive dissonance, and Trump derangement syndrome.

Mary Trump has never worked a sales job. She doesn’t understand the position. So when she hears her uncle The President being optimistic in the face of a pandemic, to her it sounds like lies or ego, when really all The President is trying to do is not cause panic or kill the economy with fear.

It’s because of her deep jealousy and resentment that she is unable to grasp the reality of all the amazing accomplishments her uncle, the President of the United States, has been able to achieve. Furthermore it is disappointing for her as a psychologist to give such a hateful and bias opinion of the man. Mary Trump has brought shame to her last name and I can only imagine her Grandfather turning in his grave. In her delusional world of over inflated self importance, she believes that because of her book she is “taking down the president.” The Reality of what she did was she embarrassed herself, her credentials, her family name, exposed her true feelings of jealousy and resentment, lost all credibility for any future publications, and she has pandered to the Trump hate media and their viewers.

I’ve bought some stupid books in the past that left me falling asleep bored. I’ve never returned one. I happily returned Mary Trumps book to the store. Out of pure poetic justice I then used the money refunded to purchase a beautiful Keep

America Great flag, and other memorabilia.