It’s About Time!


At what point does a person break? At what point do people who are constantly victimized and discriminated against, decide they’ve had enough and begin fighting back? Today, January 6th, 2021 was such a day in Washington D.C. You can only boil that pot for so long. Eventually it will over flow under pressure.

-Facebook censors you. They are modern day brown shirt nazis known as “fact checkers”. Let’s say Facebook doesn’t like some truth you just wrote. Maybe they disagree with your Republican opinion. Whatever it is, it lands you in Facebook jail for 30 days. We’ve all been there! Meanwhile videos of police officers being murdered, or a white family getting assaulted by a gang of black teenagers, and that video is allowed to continue to be shared with no consequences to the posters.

-You’re a straight, white, Republican, God fearing, pro 2nd amendment working class male. You must feel guilty for being so. You ooze toxic masculinity because you are confident. You have car insurance, a steady pay check, savings, a family, a car, good credit, and a nice home in the suburbs. How dare you! It’s not hard work and dedication, it’s your white privilege correct?

-It’s not all lives matter. No life matters until Black Lives Matter. The police are bad. School teachers are bad. In fact, anyone in a position of authority is the devil right? And how dare a police officer defend himself against a criminal who happens to be black? Surely such an act of self defense and protection of the general public, absolutely warrants the city burned down right? Businesses should be looted, police stations set on fire and in some cases, city blocks completely taken over. Don’t like it? Oh well.

-8yr old Travon Martin went to go buy a bag of skittles and ended up dead. His murderer was acquitted. But George Zimmerman is white. This is wrong right? Or should we acknowledge that Travon was actually a teenager, over 6 feet tall and found with items stolen out of the cars he broke into? Are we going to continue to follow whatever CNN & MSNBC puts in front of us, and tells us to believe?

-Democrats and liberals don’t like history so they rewrite it. They print text books for our children with blatant lies. If a symbol is found to be offensive by them, they remove it regardless of what such a symbol might mean to any other group or persons. A perfect example is the Confederate flag and monuments. To one group it’s a symbol of treason and slavery, but to another it’s a symbol of southern heritage and American patriotism. Under the first amendment we are all entitled to free speech and expression, but according to Democrats and Libtards, we have to think and feel like they do. It’s complete tyranny and we are supposed to lay down and take it. We are only allowed to be offended if THEY are offended. The first Amendment doesn’t apply if you disagree with a Democrat, in fact that’s a sure fire way to be labeled a racist.

-There’s video evidence of boxes being brought in that are filled with ballots all marked for Biden. More people voted in the 2020 election then are registered. There’s video evidence of Biden ballots being scanned over and over and over again. On live TV Republican officials were kicked out of counting rooms with the windows covered up. No state will push to certify that the signature on the ballot matches the signatures on both the registration and the envelope. But according to the media, RINO Republicans like Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell, plus 60 federal judges and The Supreme Court, all say it’s a conspiracy and isn’t true. The evidence you literally saw with your own eyes wasn’t real. Biden won 80 million votes regardless of the evidence disputing that. Just accept that. Forget what you know or saw. After all, we aren’t a third world country right? There’s no such thing as election fraud in The United States correct? Nah….

Biden and his supporters rigged this election. He is an illegitimate president. To 75 million people, he is a joke and we will never acknowledge him. There is a difference between no evidence and not hearing evidence. President Trump was never given his day in court. 75 million voters(the most in presidential history)are furious! The United States is in a constitutional crisis!

Oh and the hypocrisy of it all! Did everyone catch the Democrats cowering under their seats? It’s interesting how suddenly guns are ok to have. It’s ok to protect themselves but not us average everyday tax paying voting Americans. Ah, that sweet moment when every Democrat in congress was suddenly pro 2nd Amendment!

Personally my favorite pictures were of the protestors chanting “USA,USA” while waving Trump flags in the Senate Chamber. I also loved how Nancy Pelosi’s office was taken over and the guy put his shoes up on her desk! He also left her a note: “We will not back down”.

To bad she wasn’t there. Justice would surely have been handed out! Lucky are the people who stole her podium. I wish so badly that I could have been there! Sadly though that won’t stop her from speaking, nor passing laws that kill babies and hurt working class Americans.

There use to be a saying that went “I may not like what you say, but I will fight to my death so you can say it.” But we are past that. Republicans have been victimized and discriminated against for the past 4 years. If the other side wants unity and has a problem when the people finally fight back, then they shouldn’t start trouble to begin with. The entitlement they have to shit all over Republicans has been normalized. Typically Republicans are to nice to get violent. Republicans believe they are better then that. Republicans believe it’s not American. Well eventually enough is enough!

Have you seen the race baiters? They go on about “if these protesters were black, the cops would shoot them.” I’ve been seeing this written everywhere on Facebook. Let’s not forget that BLM knocked over plates of people eating peacefully outside. They burned down cities and police stations. They trashed police cars. District Attorneys won’t prosecute anyone. Mayors and Governors excuse it all. Don’t tell me some trash about “well if it was BLM”. If it was BLM, Pelosi would have been waiting for them with coffee and donuts! There was someone shot though. A white female. A service vet of 14 years. She was shot in the neck by police inside the capital.

Was today the beginning of a revolution? Was it the start of a Civil War? Was it simply a message that things need to change immediately or this will happen again and again until it does? I’m not sure, but I do know this. You can only poke that dog with a stick so many times. Eventually he fights back and you WILL get bit. These next 4 years are going to be turbulent, and I expect the same respect shown to Biden as the modern day Nazi party known as The Democrats, have shown Trump.